When we reviewed the
Craig Adams solo album
"Demon King" as one of our first posts we noted that the song "Close My Eyes" had lyrics written by Dave Gregory, our assumption was this was the former XTC and current Tin Spirits guitarist but said we stood to be corrected. Well it wasn't THAT Dave Gregory after all! The Dave Gregory in question is brother of Paul Gregory from one of Craig's early bands the Expelaires which also featured Dave "Wolfie" Wolfenden who went on to Red Lorry Yellow Lorry whom I'm sure many will know. RLYL also of course featured Mick Brown who would play with Craig in The Mission. So over to Dave to tell us about how "Close My Eyes" came about...

"Craig used my lyrics as he had told me a couple of years before it was released, (in the Leeds showbiz hub that is North Bar) that he was thinking about doing an album and I said I had some lyrics kicking about that I reckoned I wasn't going to use, my musical career being somewhat short lived and un-noteworthy. It wasn't until last year that he got back to in touch to say that one of the lyrics fitted perfectly with one of the tracks he was recording."
Dave Gregory |
Dave now writes under the name Gravyboy using jottify where you can download his screenplays and novella "Smoke And Mirrors" for free for your i-Pad or Kindle. Check out his work
Many thanks to Dave for getting in touch and giving us that info!