As Smiley prepares to release his second solo album "Smiley's Friends In Far Out Places" it seemed a good time to ask the man himself about what we can expect and also to ask him about his year so far and what lays ahead for The Alarm, From The Jam and more!
“Axiom” is another departure for Archive, how early in the
development was the film project conceived?
Well lets put it this way, when
I recorded it it was a new Archive album, the next thing I knew was when we
were at the screening of the film at the O2.. I’m not sure at which point the
film was conceived but I know its been very well received.. Theres another
Archive album ready and coming out in January.
Why the decision to crowd fund via Pledge Music?
I dont
really know what the deal is with Pledge.. A lot of acts do it these days as
its a means to getting product out but for Archive I’m not really involved in
that side of things.
Were you surprised at how quickly the fans supported the
Its a great way of fans getting involved.. Its about supply and
demand isnt it.. If the fans want more product and can esculate that process
but helping financially everyones a winner.
Have you had any discussions with James about this success
as The International Swingers prepare for their own campaign?
Not really..
The only contact Ive had with James was when he played some guitar on my
album.. Hes a Friend in Far Out Places now
How were the various packages decided when creating the
rewards for the Pledge campaign?
As I say I dont have any real say in that
side of the Archive coin
Were there any outlandish suggestions that were voted
I heard some rumours of people trying to buy us for a night to go for
dinner etc.. There are some strange people out there.
The recent Roundhouse gig was recorded, can we expect a live
release or maybe the Montreux performance which was also filmed?
Well I
havent heard of anything planned but as I say the new studio album is out in
January.. To give you an idea of how things operate I played all the drums
early on on the new record.. but I still havent heard the finished article..
Its tough being a drummer ha ha
How was it performing under the banner of the film images
and projections, did it change the vibe for you?
At first it was a little
strange.. I kept looking up and got told off.. I didnt get the film at first
but I do now.. Its very powerful
One eye on the World Cup - about to take to the stage at Montreux |
The imagery extended to band “uniforms” – were these chosen
to convey the whole sense of theatre and to make the live experience more
immersive with the story?
That and the fact that we were looking too scruffy
and got a boot up the arse from management!
It was great seeing Maria Q after she was absent for the
last tour but Steve Harris is still absent, is this the nature of the
“collective” or just another clash with Steve’s commitments with Gary Numan?
Its great having Maria back.. Steve I believe is away with Numan at the mo..
The whole collective thing means the door is never permanantly shut for anyone.
There have been some European dates but the website still
advises live dates to be announced, will this be festival dates again or can we
expect a more standard tour?
We have one more Axiom show in Paris this year..
Then we are out from February 2015 on and off for 2 years
Backstage selfies! |
It’s been a couple of years since the release of “Friends In
High Places” what can we expect with “Far Out Places”?
Well the major
difference is I used a co writer.. a lyricist called
Graham Turner.. We worked
really well together and I think the songs have an awful lot more depth and are
far more interesting.
What instruments do you play on the album…any mandolin?
I've played drums, guitars, bass, piano, percussion, keyboards... sung a few and
produced it.. I dont think there is any mandolin on it but I did play some on
an EP I produced recently so its not getting too dusty.. I let all the Friends
do the clever stuff!
Over what period was the album written and recorded?
Probably on and off over the last year.. I did exactly the same with the last
one.. Suddenly realise I have 5 or 6 new songs and then develop them into an
album.. I think I have an awful lot more know how in the studio now having
produced quite a few acts over the last few years so the production is something
I’m very proud of.
What guests can we expect to hear and will Kerry play a
larger part than she did on the first album?
Ok well here is the list.. First
time Ive announced this...............
Mike Peters, Bruce Foxton, Richard
Archer, John James Newman, Kerry Schultz, Robin Foster, James Stevenson, Mark
Taylor, Dale Davis, David D’Andrade, Pablo Cook and a few more I cant remember
off the top of my head.
Kerry Rocking The Onesie! |
Was there a guest wish list and if so who were the ones that
got away?
There was a wish list.. I couldnt
track Adams down so didn't get the full set of The Alarm, Mike took some
nailing as did Bruce Foxton and I was made up to get Hard Fi Richard singing..
Weve been working together recently on new Hard Fi stuff so I grabbed him while
I could.
Why the title?
Well The songs are a little more out
there.. More expansive.. Both lyrically and musically.. and it was a nice next
step up from Friends in High Places.
Karl Parsons again did the artwork, did you give him a brief
to make it look in the same style as its predecessor?
That boy is an absolute
genius.. We had a coffee when I was in Wales working with Mike, I told him the
concept and by the time I got home he had done the most amazing artwork..
Genius.. It really inspired me to finish it too as it wasnt at that time.. Hes
a genius
What are your hopes for the album?
Well I would like
everyone who enjoyed
Friends In High Places to hear it.. I was blown away with
the positivity around that album and I really believe this one, especially
working with
Graham, is a step up.. and then who knows.. Sell one of the songs
One Direction and move to a bigger house ha ha.
Will this be similar to “High Places” and be available mail
order and at gigs or will there also be a digital release?
Yeah it will be
easier to get.. .All of the above..What with social media this time around and
surrounding myself with clever people it will be far more accessable
Are there plans for any live dates?
Nope.. although one day
you never know.. Would be a mega band wouldnt it
You seem to be having a busy year at Sunshine Corner
Studios, have you ever thought about creating a label for some of the artists
that record there and maybe an online store?
Not really.. I just love
producing artists and getting the best out of them.. I love the creative side
of music.. Not the other side
How personally invested do you get with the acts that you
It depends on the act... Ive been asked advice alot about various
record business stuff and I always like to offer an opinion if I think its
valid.. but I wouldnt do management. Not my cup of tea at all.
What have been your favourite sessions to produce this year
at Sunshine?
Well Ive done a Ska band (
The Skasouls) which was really
The Alarm sound man
Dave White which was interesting ..
getting a live sound mans take on the recording process.., also a young country
singer (
KT Hurt) who has immense potential, and a brilliant album with
Reeves who used to be in
The Audience
How was it working again with your former Mescaleros
bandmate Pablo Cook?
Ah that was so
cool. The guy we were recording, Jonzip Mcneil was so similar to Strummer that
it brought back loads of memories.. Great to play with Pabs again.
Tell us a bit more about Smiley’s Heroes, is it a just for
fun occasional thing ?
It used to
be something I did all the time but I’m so busy now I just do it
occasionally...which makes it an awful lot more enjoyable
How do you find it being out from behind the drums?
alot of fun.. I can pretend to be other people .. Ive sat behind some of the
greatest front men in music history so I know a few tricks
Any plans on becoming the next guitar hero?
Ha ha I am a
guitar hero... but only in Smileys Heroes!
“Horizons Sing” seems to have come out of nowhere and has
instantly become one of the benchmark events in the bands history, how was it
for you?
It was great.. As you say it kind of came out of nothing.. I was
actually surprised they asked for me too.. but I was flattered and I had a
lovely time.
Is that the first time you’ve worked in that environment
playing live with an orchestra and choir?
No I've done it with Archive on
quite a few occasions.. It's an amazing feeling.. An orchestra and a choir really
does take your breath away.
How much time did you have to prepare?
Ha ha this is Mike
we are talking about.. Rehearsed with the orchestra on the Thursday afternoon,
the choir on the Friday afternoon and did the show live at 7.30 that night..
Welcome to the wonderful world of Mike Peters!
Was this a natural extension of taking the new arrangements
of the “Declaration” tracks and adapting them further?
It certainly made it
easier having worked on the new Declaration record.. but I think even Mike was
bowled over at how amazing the songs sounded that night.
Were you surprised at how well they worked in this
Not at all. Mikes songs are brilliant so putting an orchestra
and a choir behind it can only make them even better in my eyes.
What were the stand out tracks of the evening for you?
The Deceiver was the one that blew me away.
How was the recording
experience with the BBC?
A Total
The presenter made an poorly thought out comment about your
time with Robbie Williams which Mike jumped to your defence. Did you hear it at
the time and what are your thoughts now?
First Ive heard.. ( I've stayed in
touch with him so I’m sure he didn't mean any harm) I've got big shoulders.
There was some talk about the possible licensing of the
recordings for an MPO release but there was some question on how expensive this
would be to do. Is there any word on this yet?
I've not heard anything.
Mike has been very busy on the solo “Declaration” dates but
was there any discussion to try and recreate this event in other locations or
would that have been logistically unfeasible?
I think he would do it again ..
when and where I don't know.
You continue to tour extensively with Russell and Bruce and
look like you’re having a real blast. How have the “Setting Sons” dates
differed from last years “All Mod Cons” dates?
We haven't started them yet..
They kick off in September so I’m learning them at the moment.
What would be your choice for the next From The Jam tour if
it was themed around one album?
Well I know they are gonna do Sound Effects
next year and The Gift the year after so I will go with those!
What are your favourite Jam tracks to play live?
I talked
them into doing Funeral Pyre recently
which sounds amazing.. Man in the Corner Shop is my favourite.. Then probably
Eton Rifles, Beat Surrender, Malice etc.. Every ones a winner!
Has there been any discussions regarding a possible studio
album, either as FTJ or maybe under Bruce’s name?
That's already pencilled in
for the autumn I believe at Wellers studio.
How easy is it to balance your commitments with the
different bands you are in (Archive, The Alarm, From The Jam) and those artists
such as Hero Fisher that you support when you can?
It can be hard.. I had to
turn down dates in Australia with FTJ and Japan with Mike and Glastonbury with
Hero as they clashed with Archive.. It can be tricky.
You are credited as associate producer on the “Declaration 2014” album as well as playing
on it, how much input did you have and did Mike have most of the arrangements
already in mind or did they develop during the recording process?
I had quite a big say in it.. My point was..
“If you are going to do
Declaration again, do it completely different.. No one
wants a rehash.. So we tried some different things.. like
Mike buying a
mandolin and handing it to me and saying.. “learn to play this .. It’ll sound
great.” So I did.. It took an afternoon and really shaped the sound of the
“Declaration” was fantastic and the success of the
subsequent solo tour has been great to see but when will we hear new material
from the band?
Mike has his fingers in so many pies.. There are some really
exciting things ahead but I dont think I am allowed to spill the beans yet.
You were at the Islington gig alongside James Stevenson in
the audience and Eddie MacDonald for that matter….and Steve Allan Jones! One
thing I asked James at that show is when you are watching Mike perform like
that do you find it hard not being up there too?
Nope.. Had a great night
off... watching the chief at his best! (Funnily enough this was pretty similar to what James said too! -Rob)
What plans are there to mark the anniversary next year of
I do know but I dont think I’m allowed to say.
You’ve been back in the studio recently with Mike, can you
shed any light on these sessions, were they related to the upcoming stage show
being written with Steve Allan Jones?
We were working on 3 seperate
projects.. I really don't think I’m allowed to say any more.. When I am you’ll
be the first to know I promise!
How much can you share with us about the plans for next
years Gathering?
Haven't got that far down the line yet.. We only got the
mammoth 4 hour set list a week before last year so it's any ones guess what he
will pull out of his hat next time!
Every year it seems to be just how can you top the previous
year….4 hours on the Saturday, Mandolin interludes, the future guitarists on
“One Guitar” and the amazing “Without A Fight” with Dave Spragg….so the
question is….how do you top that?
I don't know... But I bet he does!!!!
The promotion around Fable is growing centred around her
Facebook presence, who is she and how did Archive get to be involved in
recording her album?
She is a female singer from Brighton..
Archive got
asked to produce her album and I played drums on it.. She's brilliant.
What can you tell us about the album?
It's very original
and very cool'
Will you be involved with any live dates if they happen?
No, she has a live band.. I will just do the studio tracks.
How have you been spending what little time off you have
this year?
Bit of golf, dog walks, hanging with my kids and when our
schedules allow it spending time with my talented wife.. Shes busier than me
bless her.
What plans have you got for the rest of the year?
A well
earned family hoilday, the release of
dates with
From The Jam, recording with
Hard Fi,
Mike Peters,
From The
Jam &
Archive.. and producing some acts at
Have you been putting your Kindle to good use while on the
road, if so have you got any titles you’d recommend?
I just read Mike Scotts
book ..Tales of a Waterboy and now I’m on Keith Richards autobiography.. Thats
the best thing about touring, you get lots of time to read which you don't at
Thank you Smiley!
Always a pleasure.