Sunday, 16 February 2020

Carol Hodge - Savage Purge Review

Carol Hodge is incredible! There we are, I've said it, it's out there!

I've been a fan for a number of years through her work with Steve Ignorant in Slice Of Life and amazing vocal work when he revisited his C.R.A.S.S. catalogue live.  With Ryan Hamilton & The Harlequin Ghosts she has made a wider impact on the Alarm fan base and many have sought out her excellent solo album "Hold On To That Flame" released a couple of years ago.

I'm not quite sure when she's found the time but she has recorded "Savage Purge" a new album featuring 10 diverse tracks dealing with some pretty emotional subject matters, that's not to say it is heavy going or preachy as neither could be further from the truth.

Photo by Mike Bennett

The difference in styles from striped back, heart laid bare singer songwriter piano laden tunes rub shoulders effortlessly with uptempo full band numbers and that keeps the album flowing very nicely and all the fresher for it. Carol is definitely at home in a multitude of styles and has created a wide palette to show her songwriting skills and there are plenty of moments that will have you singing along, whether that be the tender "In Case Of Emergency" or the absolute belter of a chorus of "Magic Bullet" which is a track that is crying out to be heard live!

Lyrically the album runs through a full gauntlet of important social themes such as domestic abuse, alcoholism,  beauty standards , self love and mental health but as Carol says "It's an album full of hope,energy, self discovery and positivity" and that is very true as passion and integrity are here in abundance. 

This is an album full of discovery and keeps on giving the more you listen - I highly recommend that you do!

"Savage Purge" can be pre-ordered in a variety of packages directly from Carol HERE!

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